Start your collage by uploading all the photos from your birthday bash, or even your favorite photos from the previous year. Compile Your Collage With Photos From Our Stock Photo Library
Then your fellow celebrants can log on to Canva from any computer or from our free iOS and Android apps to upload their own photos and collectively capture the anniversary of your birth from absolutely every angle. What if you spent your birthday partying down and taking a scant few pictures? Clearly, it is time to enlist the cameras and phones of your fellow party-goers! Just open your collage and click Share, then check the box to allow others to edit your design, and share the link among your friends. Bye Collaborate With Friends For A Comprehensive Birthday Photo Collage Anyways thanks for reading and I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day. If you know a creative person, send a screenshot to them and see what they say. And I just wanna make people read this, get the app, and have so much fun. And also thanks for reading this far down it is really appreciated. So if your a creative person get the app, youll love it. But I would highly recommend getting the app cuz its really cool other then the down. So if you search say funny things and there are PEOPLE and its not cool idk what to tell ya. but the downs are if you search something and it has something you dont want, you cant search it again and get a different thing. your ALSO able to if you save it my accident you can go back to it with a button and edit it. Here are my ups though, this game doesnt have many adds at all! And also if you mess up your able to take it off and put something else on. There are barely any downs to this game that I can think of. There is no limit on how much fun creative things you can do with the game. The game lets you free draw and be creative. The app lets you create, draw, take photos, put photos, and it even lets you find photos that you dont have on the button. Ok so I am saying I have this app on my iPad and its incredibly amazing.
How to Make a Photo Collage for Facebook!